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"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell


Once upon a time, Columbus was a hero...Sadly, that’s not the case today: Some people don't even know who he was, or what he did; while others claim he was a villain, and are advocating for the abolition of Columbus Day and everything he represented. Accusations vary from Columbus being a racist, a rapist, a genocidal maniac, and even that he ran a child sex slave ring. The question is, are these allegations true? And, where are the scholars correcting Columbus’ record? Unfortunately, some of the misinformation out there comes from “scholars;” and even those who defend Columbus, won't address the actual story either. In this book, the reader will learn who modern history revisionists claim Columbus was, and what he did, vs. the actual historical accounts, coming from the mouths of those who knew him well, and wrote about them for us. The conclusion will be inevitable, that is, Columbus was a Hero, and his story and legacy need to be rediscovered again today.

Great gift idea for middle school or high school graduates!

Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States has sold more than 2.5 million copies. It is pushed by Hollywood celebrities, defended by university professors who know better, and assigned in high school and college classrooms to teach students that American history is nothing more than a litany of oppression, slavery, and exploitation. 

Zinn’s history is popular, but it is also massively wrong.

Scholar Mary Grabar reveals Zinn’s bag of dishonest rhetorical tricks: his slavish reliance on partisan history, explicit rejection of historical balance, and selective quotation of sources to make them say the exact opposite of what their authors intended. If you care about America’s past—and our future—you need this book.



In "Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem", Carol Delaney argues that Columbus was inspired to find a western route to the Orient not only to obtain vast sums of gold for the Spanish Crown but primarily to fund a new crusade to take Jerusalem from the Muslims before the end of the world—a goal that sustained him until the day he died. Drawing from oft-ignored sources, some from Columbus’s own hand, Delaney depicts her subject as a thoughtful interpreter of the native cultures that he and his men encountered, and tells the tragic story of how his initial attempts to establish good relations with the natives turned badly sour. Showing Columbus in the context of his times rather than through the prism of present-day perspectives on colonial conquests reveals a man who was neither a greedy imperialist nor a quixotic adventurer, but a man driven by an abiding religious passion. Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem is not an apologist’s take, but a clear-eyed, thought-provoking, and timely reappraisal of the man and his legacy.

In recent years, the enemies of Christopher Columbus have succeeded in damaging, if not demolishing, his historical reputation. Today, Columbus is seen not as a hero but as an inept sailor turned brutal conqueror, and his voyage is taught as the opening assault in a genocidal campaign by cruel imperialists bent on exterminating the peaceful natives who inhabited an idyllic wilderness in harmony with the environment. In this highly controversial book, Thomas Bowden challenges all of these assumptions. As he says in his introductory comments, "The real victim of the incessant attacks on Christopher Columbus is Western civilization itself."


Ferdinand's book is a moving and personal document. Provoked in part by the Spanish Crown's attempts to diminish Columbus's role as discoverer, it reveals the restrained emotions of a loving son jealous of his father's honor. Ferdinand had access to all of his father's papers. At the age of thirteen, he accompanied Columbus on the last voyage and participated in many of the events he relates here. The narrative has the irresistible excitement of an adventure story: shipwreck, storms, and battles with mutineers or Indians. Ferdinand's imaginative insight into the many-faceted personality of the discoverer and his artistry with words make this biography, as Henry Vignaud has said, "the most important of our sources of information on the life of the discoverer of America." Benjamin Keen is Professor Emeritus of Latin American history at Northern Illinois University. He is the author of The Aztec Image in Western Thought (Rutgers University Press) and many other books.

This is a very hard book to find. Andree M. Collard translated and edited Bartolome de las Casas’s works. He notes that “Friar Bartolome de las Casas’s 'History of the Indies' makes abundantly clear that the slanderous claims so famously and popularly raised in the Twenty-first Century by misinformed masses against Christopher Columbus are, in fact, the deeds of the villainous Francisco de Bobadilla and his successors. Columbus took no part in these deeds, but actively opposed them.” He “fought until his dying breath to persuade the Crown of Spain to undo the harm Bobadilla and his successors had inflicted upon the West Indies.


There is a concerted effort to remove this book from publication because of the truths de las Casas exposes. You will not find this on Amazon or Barnes & Nobles. IF you find it on eBay it will be very expensive:



Robert Petrone, Esq., is a professional researcher and local Philadelphia expert on Christopher Columbus. He wrote the following reports to the City Council of Philadelphia based on this book.  If you can't get your hands on this book, this is the next best thing:


In America we worship Christ, we celebrate Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We have churches and other Christian organizations, but most people are unaware of how Christianity reached America and who introduced it. Most believers don’t know they owed their faith to Columbus, a man chosen by God for such a task. Though most people know Columbus was searching for a new route to the Indies for trade, most people don’t know he was a pious man who wanted to spread Christianity in places that had never heard the gospel. This is the reason why today he is being slandered by groups and individuals who hate Christianity. If Christ was hated and slandered, then no wonder the man who also divided history in two, and carried his name (Christ-opher) is being slandered, while his holiday (Columbus Day) is unfairly renamed or eliminated in many places in the USA over false claims. In his third book, author Rafael Ortiz brings a unique perspective full of stories of evangelization that have been forgotten or most people don’t know. Stories of pre-Columbian Indigenous prophecies, predicting the coming of Christianity. Stories of salvation, miracles, signs, wonders, tragedy, and justice. Stories that that will appeal to believers everywhere. This book was exclusively written with believers in mind and it will help Christians to gain new knowledge and appreciation for one of the most influential men in Christianity and history: Cristoforo Colombo, better known as Christopher Columbus. Note- This book was originally published in 2018. This version is the 2020 Second Edition.

 In Columbus and the Crisis of the West, Dr. Robert Royal carefully examines the mind and motives of Christopher Columbus, distinguishing him as the greatest explorer of his age, whose courage and vision extended Christian Europe and inspired the American spirit.

Yet you won't find here a full-throated defense of Christopher Columbus. Rather, Dr. Royal examines what actually happened in the decades following 1492, when two widely divergent cultures met and mingled. Refusing to ignore or underplay the tragedies of America's origins, Royal masterfully places these events in historical context, protecting them from the contemporary biases that are moving forward at ramming speed to crush fragile truths.

In these pages you'll explore Columbus's spirituality and the apocalyptic vision that guided him, as well as the disparate ways in which Puritans and Catholics viewed and approached the indigenous peoples. You'll also discover what life was really like for them, the truth about Indian environmentalism, the essence of the noble savage, and the soundness of the claim that the native peoples were innocents living in harmony with nature.

Here is the book that cuts through the fashionable pieties of our time by boldly refuting the most popular indictments of Columbus and early America. Finally, a serious classical scholar who confronts with power the crusading revisionist historians who are leveraging the Native American conquest in an effort to defile, dishonor, and ultimately upend Western civilization.



Christopher Columbus was arrested in 1500 by a political enemy based on false charges made by a group of insurrectionists. He was immediately released by the King and Queen of Spain who did not believe the charges, and those who conspired against him were charged with mutiny instead. Yet the false accusations made by his enemies are now being used once again after a dossier was found by historians in the 2000s. Among the accusations was that he was a “cruel” governor toward the Spanish colonists and that he flogged and cut off the tongue of a woman, who was later paraded naked. Whereas Christopher Columbus The Hero debunked the modern-day revisions against Columbus, this second part debunks the false accusations that caused his arrest.

For the first time, English-speaking readers will have the opportunity to see all the details of the dossier, including who the author was, who the accusers were, what they alleged, and what the charges were. All followed by rebuttals based on the self-incriminating testimonies of the “witnesses” of the dossier, and the primary sources accounts and documents that will prove the innocence of a man who never was tried in court.


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